Five (5) Days Training on IFRS:


The DRM&PFM Reform Coordination Unit in Collaboration with the Office of the Auditor-General has organized five (5) days International Financial Reporting Standards “IFRS” training workshop. The Participants of the training represent the core staff of the Public Finance Management institutions of the Republic of Somaliland especially, the Auditor General, Accountant General, Ministry of Finance Internal Audit and Public Account Committee senior staff.

The objective of this training was to help participants understand how International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are used around the world and be conversant with workings of the IASB and how these are being changed.
During the training, the participants will be able to examine the fundamental requirements of IFRS on a standard-by-standard basis, for the benefit of preparers, auditors and users of financial statements and will provide guidance on how to use IFRS in practice.

The vision of the PFM Reform strategy is to achieve the highest possible efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the allocation, management and use of public finances to meet the GoSL’s development and economic growth priorities.


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