Ethiopia, Somalia to Strengthen Alliance to Guarantee Regional Peace



Addis Ababa, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) The governments of Ethiopia and Somalia agreed to move towards strengthening bilateral cooperation to contribute to peace and security in the so-called Horn of Africa, local media reported on Monday.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed met on Sunday with Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed. Both leaders agreed to intensify bilateral strategic collaboration, with the purpose of promoting stability in the region, according to FANA Broadcasting Corporate.

Both politicians also discussed issues of global interest, increase of economic ties between the two nations, and the state of relations with the rest of the countries of the territory known as East Africa.

According to Addis TV, Mohamed’s visit responds to Ahmed’ to Mogadishu in June 2018, when the leaders agreed to strengthen their diplomatic relations and collaborate with the African Union to solve the main problems of the continent.


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