Breaking: Three national political parties sign a historic accord on election dispute ending months of uncertainty in Somaliland polls



The three major political parties in Somaliland namely, Wadani, UCID and Kulmiye have hammered a historic agreement which ended months of political standoff on the upcoming elections in the country.

Under the EU and UK mediation, the government of Somaliland and the major parties in Somaliland ratified the accord at the presidential palace on Saturday.

The meeting held at the presidency was chaired by the president, Musa Bihi Abdi.

The leaders of the opposition parties plus the gov have underscored the importance of holding parliament and local council polls in the country which have witnessed months of delays.

The Issues that have been reached a comprehensive agreement are as follows:-

  1. The three political parties have agreed to increase the members of election commission which will see the addition of 2 more members. The newly formed Electoral National Commission will be 9. The parliament will make an amendment to the changes made to the election commission. The law number 20/2002 was amended twice.
  2. It is stipulated that 11 parliamentarians representing the three political parties have to table the motion of making changes to the election commission.
  3. The three political parties will call on the parliament to make its decision on the agreement signed by the parties before September, 2019.
  4. The selection process of the new members of the election commission will be based on the article on the electoral laws pertaining to the local council and presidential polls which the parliament amended on 15th of September, 2012.
  5. It is agreed upon that the newly appointed NEC members will be sworn in on the Ist of October, 2019.
  6. The three national parties have endorsed that the current NEC member should oversee the preparations of the voter registration in Somaliland whereby the would be NEC would assume the task of conducting voter registration and the upcoming local council and parliament polls.
  7. The 15 members from the national political parties are tasked to follow up of the smooth preparations  of holding free and fair polls process in Somaliland in conjunction with the national electoral commission. The accord was signed by Wadani Chair, Mr. Abdirahman Irro, UCID chair, Faisal Ali Warabe and Kulmiye, the chair and president of Somaliland, Musa Bihi Abdi.

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