“Walk the Talk” from Asmara Palace Hotel to Asmara Airport



9 July 2019 – (EP) They walked the talk and now Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is back to Addis Ababa today after a two-day fruitful visit to Eritrea.

Next week, Abiy will meet France’s Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire to discuss the building of Ethiopian naval force in Eritrean Red Sea coast.

According to Djibouti’s President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh comment to a French magazine in April, Presiden Guelleh said, “France President Macron has told me that Ethiopia’s navy base will be in Eritrea”.

Meanwhile, Abiy Ahmed is nominated today for the Chatham House Prize for his swift action to bring about peaceful relations with Eritrea and injecting hope for a more peaceful and integrated Horn of Africa as well as efforts to transform civic leadership and advance plural politics and free speech in Ethiopia.

The Chatham House Prize is presented to the person, persons or organization deemed by members of Chatham House to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations in the previous year.


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