Somaliland: Kenyan high school instructor converts to Islam



A Kenyan national who believed Christianity and residing in Somaliland has on Friday converted to Islam. Mr. Dogo Gumo Evens Obimba is a high school teacher at Gateway secondary school in Lasanod. He attended the Friday congregation prayer at Lasanod grand mosque. The imam of the mosque by the name of Ali Ma’alin has presided over the ceremony for the Kenyan teacher to change his religion from Christianity to Islam. Mr. Obimba has read the Shahada after the imam. The Imam has warmly received and welcomed the new convert to Islam. Mr. Obimba has said that many people tried their best to convince me to change into Islam who promised me for something. He stated that he converted to Islam while he does not need anything. He was escorted from mosque by his colleague teachers and was named Bilal.




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