Somalia: Authorities Disinfect Mogadishu Port to contain Covid-19


Somalia is taking new measures aimed at preventing the CoronaVirus from entering the country via the sea.

Authorities at Mogadishu port operated by Turkish officials have started using disinfectants on all goods coming through the country’s main port.

Authorities at the port sea in Somalia has no confirmed case of the virus which came through the country’s port.

In a number of goods coming to the country have been identified as hides and are being monitored.

The Turkish officials operating the port are using chemicals approved by WHO and the US Food and Drugs Administration to disinfect goods at the country’s sea port.

Port authorities have noted that the operation join Somalia’s preventive measures and efforts in the fight against the spread of Covid-19.

The disinfection operation aims to provide sea workers with safe working conditions and preserve their health.

The Mogadishu port operating agency has announced that it has implemented urgent measures in awareness raising compaigns including disinfecting equipment and supplies at the station through out each day especially at entery and exit gates and ticket machines


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