President Briefs the State on the state of affairs of COVID-19 pandemic



Somaliland leader has on Sunday briefed the state on the state of affairs on the latest COVID-19 epidemic and the preventive & strict measures the government has taken to contain the spread of the disease. President Musa Bihi Abdi on his address to the state has conveyed a clear message to the populace that they have to stick to the guidelines provided by the Committee tasked against the prevention of Covid-19 and health officials. While briefing local journalists at the ministry of health premises, the Head of State said that the state has ushered a new chapter pertaining to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the country. He urged that all citizens must exercise maximum restraint at this time where the country is encountered with the pandemic which is spreading fast. The President has remarked that Covid-19 has taken its toll on Somaliland whereby it claimed lives and the number that will be diagnosed with Covid-19 are likely to rise as the Covid-19 testing laboratory equipment will be up and running within a matter of days. He urged the religious leaders and imams at mosques to practice social distancing as it is means of preventing community transmission which is likely to spread the disease in Somaliland.



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