Declaration of HORN One Health Initiative Held in Borama


University heads from the HoA region, top dons and INGOs reps converge at Borama health conference

A major health conference whose theme is “One Health Conference for Horn of Africa Universities” brought together universities top dons from the Horn of Africa, viz. Somaliland, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia. The summit was convened by Amoud University, which was also its venue.

Similarly, the University of Liverpool in the UK, UN organizations, other INGOs of repute and local NGOs, and three line ministries (Environment, Health and Livestock), plus various experts and senior expert physicians were part of participants in the consultative discussions on important health related topics affecting this part of the continent.

The director of research and social services at Amoud University Mr. Yusuf A. Hareed who is also the chair of the conference, highlighted the importance of the health conference and its potential impact.

The summit which had also virtual attendance by Horn of Africa Universities and experts from around the world focused on ways and means of unifying environmental, health and general diseases into “One Health” programmed outreach  for ultimately significant and comprehensive decisions.

The conference that took place for three days ended on Thursday, 6th of Jan, 2022, was issued a declaration, where agreed points included:

  1. The first point to agreed is the name of the declaration which “Borama declaration for HORN AFRICA Universities for one health initiative”
  2. That the HoA countries to co-operate, universities to share knowledge, research and limited resources
  3. After three months, the universities will form a secretariat, and before that Amoud University will continue its work.
  4. That the HoA countries establish a permanent relationship with universities in the Horn of Africa, with a technical committee appointed.
  5. After three months, the timing of the next conference will be decided.
  6. To strengthen community awareness on environmental issues and ways of jointly aligning the diseases affecting the environment, livestock and people.
  7. Urged Universities to share their experiences, voluntarily
  8. Agreed sharing the outcome of this meeting with the Horn of Africa community, so that more partners can be involved.
  9. The participants thanked Somaliland and its government, the city of Borama and Amoud University for initiating the conference, in collaboration with the University of Liverpool.

Mr Yusuf, Director of Research at Amoud University, said the Horn of Africa University Health Conference was a success and that its purpose had been achieved.


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