Community policing, management, leadership and criminal investigation skills to enhance public security


The new generation of police officers in Somaliland is the future of Somaliland Police Force, but youngest might struggle to find more effective ways to promote public safety.

How can a course on community policing, management, leadership and Criminal Investigation improve their capacity to cope with their tasks?

By strengthening the cooperation between the Somaliland Police Force and the Coast Guard, and boosting knowledge in human rights and community-oriented approach, which recognize that all members of the community have an active role in ensuring the respect of law and orders.

About 25 students, with few years of experience in different fields, such traffic and protection, holding positions of deputy station commanders, First Lieutenants and Captains of the Somaliland police, were selected by the Police Commissioner to level up their knowledge in policing.

The two-weeks course was developed based on scenario exercise to tackle different ways of leadership and management, including conflict management, and to contribute to a better knowledge of police force structures and interlocutors. The course was delivered by EUCAP, in collaboration with UNSOM, at the end of November in Hargeisa.

At the end of the course, students were tasked to keep records of their work at their police station that will be presented and discussed in upcoming sessions for further improvements.

The implementation of the community-oriented approach, enhances the safety and quality of neighbourhoods, and the close collaboration between the police and the community helps to identify and solve public problems.


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