UCID party blames the gov’t of not mitigating the re-insurgence of Covid-19


Justice and Welfare Party (UCID), has called on the government to take serious measures to mitigate the re-insurgence of Covid-19 in Somaliland. UCID health secretary has said that many people are at a greater risk to contract the virus. Ahmed Alale said: ” Coronavirus in SL is very strong now. It is not big strong.” The secretary of health stressed that the pandemic is widely spreading in Somaliland for the past couple of months and the government is not taking serious preventive measures to keep the spread of the pandemic at bay. He alleged the gov’t institutions of not giving enough awareness to the general public regarding this growing trend. Alale pleaded the government to assist the public which desperately in need of awareness. He said that there was a Coronavirus Task Force but the committee is not functioning at this time. He added that there the committee was out of whack since last year. He said that no body is raising awareness or advice to the general public. He accused the government of not being serious on Covid-19 fatalities. He disclosed that 25 people turned positive for the virus yesterday in Hargeisa. The secretary has said that many people failed to take their doses dye to lack of proper awareness. He blames the government that the public is not taking advantage of the vaccinations. Finally, he urged the gov’t to assist the public and save lives before the pandemic will out of government control.



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