The United States is encouraged by the adoption of the political agreement put forward by the clan elders



U.S. Embassy Mogadishu Chargé d’Affaires Shane Dixon concluded a visit to Hargeisa, Somaliland, which included meetings with Somaliland President Musa Bihi Abdi and other senior officials. Mr. Dixon also met with representatives of civil society, political parties (National Party and Ouid Party) and representatives of political associations.

The discussions covered subjects including regional security, human rights, civic participation, and upholding democratic processes.  The United States is encouraged by the adoption of the political agreement put forward by the clan elders  as a positive step towards holding free and fair elections.
Mr. Dixon also emphasized the need for the de-escalation of tensions in Lasanod through dialogue.
“Open dialogue and commitment to democratic processes are foundational elements for any peaceful society.”Chargé d’Affairs Dixon said “The United States appreciates the efforts of all stakeholders in Somaliland working towards these shared goals.”


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