The new president of Ethiopia’s Somali State signs MOU with ONLF


By: Farah Yusuf

Regional Reporter

ADDIS ABABA– The newly appointed interim president of Ethiopia’s Somali State, Hon. Mustafe Mohamud Omar alias “Mustafe Cagjar” has held the first high level talks with Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) members in Addis Ababa.

The ONLF officials have pledged to work with the new administration but warned the Federal Govt to meddle the internal affairs.

The following points were agreed by both sides after the talks:-

  1. Both sides have reached a common understanding to provide care and fostering to the veterans that fought against the TPLF.
  2. ONLF will launch political programs in all regions of Somali State.
  3. It is agreed that all sides must refrain from any acts of destabilization or that may lead to confrontations.
  4. The talks between the Federal Government of Ethiopia & ONLF to resume sooner rather than later so that Ogadenia issues to be finally resolved.
  5. Both sides have reiterated to work towards the unity of the populace and to avoid anything that may cause suspicion and lead to animosity.
  6. The new leadership must facilitate ONLF to launch its political program throughout all regions in Somali State in Ethiopia by peaceful means.
  7. The Transitional leadership must hold free and fair elections once their term expires.


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