Somaliland: “The Graduation Ceremony Should Not Be The Platform Of The Three Parties”



As I was writing this article one of my friends came closer to me my table and asked me

“what today’s topic is?”, We didn’t see your interesting articles Nowadays” he concluded. Before I respond to the question another colleague doctors nearby joined the conversation as I showed my topic.


The following was the argument debate that had started between us :

“I don’t understand why our political leaders do make campaigns at the graduation day?” one asked “we don’t want to hear the conflicts between the political parties? Another one added.

“I thought the aim of the speech was to give hope, encouragement, advice and compliments to the graduated students” the third one proposed.

 ” I don’t have an appetite to listen to the political leaders who attend the graduation day” the fourth said laughing.

 “It is not bad if some political leaders expose certain serious issues about the country, but they go over the topic” another one said smiling.”What about the chiefs and sultans .They also seem to be the political leaders of the country, they do also support the speeches of certain political leaders,” said another pointing his finger to one of the elders sitting beside us.

In summary, I agree to my colleagues who raised the above important points and. I would like to propose to stop the unnecessary complains and the irrelevant issues which our political leaders submit to the future leaders of the country.  It is true that the graduation speech is an occasion of celebrating in which prominent members are asked to provide an advice, encouragement and congratulate to the graduates as they pass a barrier to the next. It can also mean to thanks giving to the staff of the university /or the institution. The purpose is also to realize all the hard work everyone has done, but unfortunately these events have transformed into just another platform for the politicians to make certain drams and fool certain important figures! May Allah help those who help each other. 

By Dr. Abdi.E.Obesyeh.Borama,Somaliland 


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