Somaliland Rejects DARE1 Cable to Land in its waters


HARGEISA–Days after East Africa’s largest marine cable landed in Djibouti, Somaliland has made it clear that the cable won’t land in Berbera.

The Minister of communication and technology of Somaliland says that 25 year monopoly agreement with communication’s company has led Djibouti Telcom, Telkom of Kenya and Somtel of Somaliland to skip Somaliland and set up a submarine cable system to link the East African coastline.

The cable which landed in Djibouti on Sunday will link Djibouti, Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Bosaso towns and will deliver a capacity of up to 32 terabytes per second.

The minister of communication, Abdiweli Abdilahi said the 25 year monopoly agreement between the government of Somaliland and a private telecommunication company in 2011 which led to the rejection of Somaliland cable that was to land in Berbera has made it hard for the largest submarine cable in east Africa to land in Somaliland.

However, he said there is still a room for further engagement.


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