Somaliland ready for business


Chairman Somaliland Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Hon. Jamal Aided stated Somaliland is ready for trade, as abundant resources like fisheries, agriculture, minerals, oil, livestock, is available, and welcomes globe ready to invest.

Chairman Aided with Somaliland businessmen delegation attended an International Business Forum, sponsored World Cooperation Industries Forum event held in Ankara on 15th & 16th September.

The visit which was a part of the chamber’s efforts to develop the country’s natural resources, as well as to present opportunities for international businesses to invest, look below the speech Hon. Aided at an event attended by business people;

“Your Excellences, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I take great pleasure to introduce you to Somaliland for those who have not been there before. To all of you, we are grateful to be warmly welcomed to your country. Somaliland like the rest of world aspires and is in the right track to becoming a modern economy with an efficient port that servers a number of African countries. The investment Agreement between Somaliland Government and DP World on the expansion of Berbera Port has accelerated trade within Somaliland and neighboring landlocked countries such as Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia and South Sudan.

Ladies and Gentlemen, for the past three decades, Somaliland established a thriving private sector through support of the chamber of commerce with remarkable success in the sectors of livestock export, commodity imports, telecommunication, civil aviation, money transfer and construction; besides being actively engaged in agriculture, fisheries, healthcare, education and the energy sector.

This successful private sector economy and related services performance has developed under the prevailing free market economic policy of Somaliland Government.

Currently, Somaliland has trades with turkey and according to the World integrated trade solution there are a number of products Somaliland imports ranging from consumer goods, food products, chemicals, intermediate goods to mention a few. This trade link has been existence for centuries and trade has flourished between the two countries

Subsequently, Somaliland is to a very large extent an economy which depends on livestock exports and imports of manufactured goods from other countries, the way forward as most would agree is to diversify our economy. We are open for business investment into our country and as the chamber would be delighted to engage with you to provide timely market, research based information as well as all other requisite aspects needed.

Finally, on behalf of the Somaliland Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and the Somaliland Business Community, I would like to extend our gratitude to all of you, and reassure you of our commitment to working with all partners and investors in ensuring that we harness the business opportunities between the two countries.”

WC Forum, international business forum will be held on Istanbul, Turkey, between 15-16 September 2021. The goal of this international business forum with the future business people in many countries in the world to introduce direct manufacturing companies in Turkey. Foreign business people will participate in this forum and find a product in high quality, at the right price, at the right time. They will cooperate directly with producers, without other companies in between. the products produced in Turkey, new technologies, service providers in the services sector may recognize materials and components and can grow their businesses with the co-operation agreement you make. Time is now Turkey, Grow with Turkey! Grow your business with Turkish Products, Grow your industry with.


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