Somaliland: Presidential Decree On The Commemoration Of National Heroes Day



The president of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi issued a presidential decree termed as JSL/XM/WM/222-224/102018 , commemorating 17th October as National Heroes Day.


National Heroes Day

Having seen Article 90 of Somaliland Constitution,

Having considered the cabinet meeting on October 18th, 2017,

Deeming the indispensability of commemorating National Heroes Day to mark those who sacrificed themselves for the sake of Somaliland such as the struggles of Dervish wars, Religious Cleric Revolt, elites, poets, and SNM:


I have decided:

To mark 17th October as the Day of National Heroes Commemoration.


Muse Bihi Abdi,

President of the Republic of Somaliland



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