Somaliland: President Removes Finance Minister as Dr Saad Exits FM in mini-cabinet reshuffle




The President H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has made the first cabinet mini reshuffle of his administration that has touched three major portfolios, seeing the treasury boss sacked.


The Head of State moved the veteran foreign minister Hon. Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire to head the treasury and the education minister Hon. Prof. Yasin Mohamud Hiir now becomes the country’s top diplomat.


The demoted minister of finance Yusuf Mohamed Abdi has been embattling the Accountant General for quite a while. The last straw was broken when he went public latest on Friday claiming that the bone of contention (AG’s office) was a mere department in the finance ministry.

A new face enters the cabinet as Osman Jama Aden Iman becomes the new education and science minister.


In a Presidential decree reference number JSL/XM/WM/222-233/112018 circulated yesterday the President likewise brought two female figures to national limelight as he named Deeqa Jama Yusuf Didar to become a director general heading the investments development docket and Fatuma Abdillahi Omar Diriye as deputy chair for the national refugees and displaced persons agency.


Deputy Minister for education Hon. Abdiqadir Mohammed Mohamud has been transferred in the same capacity to the finance ministry swapping places Hon. Mohammed Dahir Ahmed Furre.


The changes the decree carried directed Ahmed Abokor to switch to the education ministry from the treasury in the same capacity as director general.


The reshuffle sees the demoted finance minister taken to the education commission where Prof. Mohammed Farah joins him as a member from the education ministry where he was the director general.


By M.A. Egge



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