Somaliland: Kulmiye Party Central Committee’s sixth meeting concludes



BORAMA– The 6th plenary  of central committee meeting of Kulmiye ruling party in Somaliland concluded today in Borama after two day gathering. At the meeting, the Party Central Committee approved several resolutions and conclusions. 200 members of the Central Committee approved 65 new members who were inducted into the committee. The seats where vacated by either members who deceased or who were expelled. Five members were expelled by show of hand who were accused of breaching party norms.

Mr. Mohamud Warfaa has been chosen as the new chairperson of the central committee while Mr. Ali Mohamed Ali aka Aliyow was elected the deputy chairperson. The central committee unanimously voted for delaying the governing party’s national convention for another year. The party convention was supposed to held in April, 2019 but was postponed and will be held in April, 2020. The Head of State Musa Bihi Abdi at the sometime the chairperson of Kulmiye party has thanked the central committee and pledged to fulfill the party promises during the presidential campaign.


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