Somaliland: House speaker promises to vacate seats once term expires



The speaker of house of national assembly vowed that MP’s are ready to vacate seats. Hon. Bashe has announced that the parliament is preoccupied with bills that pave the way for the smooth holding of upcoming parliament and council polls. The house speaker has announced that the parliament and local council polls will take place in the country on 29th of March, 2019. The speaker has made the remarks during a meeting which is aimed at urging women, youth and outcast clans to have a voice in the country’s political representation. It was reiterated that there is no alternative for the members of Somaliland parliament but to vacate the seats. He announced that the parliament election law is in the pipeline but insisted on that parties have to decide on the issue of parliament seat allocations in terms of provinces. Mr. Bashe has urged that women have the right to stand for parliament seats. There is one female MP in Somaliland parliament out of the 82 members.



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