Somalia’s President Travels to Baidoa on his first trip


Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Tuesday arrived in the town of Baidoa, the seat of power of Southwest regional state in the first leg of his “peace train” trip to regional states ahead of his inauguration next month.

In a statement issued shortly after his landing, his office said the visit “would foster integration, peaceful coexistence and reconciliation”, adding that the President would also “assess the humanitarian needs and the impacts of the drought”.

He was warmly received by Southwest leader Abdiasis Laftagaren and other regional officials.

In a tweet, Mohamud thanked to the regional authorities for the “customary warm welcome” and said a “united, safe, connected and prosperous nation is what we must strive to build together”.

The President and Southwest leader jointly cut the ribbon during opening ceremony of a newly-constructed presidential palace for the region in Baidoa. He is also due to hold talks with Laftagaren, a staunch ally of former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo whose close associates have recently warned against potential attempts aimed at his ouster by the new administration.


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