Qatar delivers fresh aid to Somalia flood victims


Following the directives of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Qatar has sent more aid to the people affected by floods in Somalia.

Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), in co-ordination with the Standing Committee for Rescue and Relief Works and Humanitarian Aids for Afflicted Areas in Brotherly and Friendly Countries, has sent a new consignment relief items.

The consignment comprises 46 tonnes of various medical and relief materials, bringing the total aid sent from Qatar so far to 88 tonnes. The relief items, delivered a Qatari Amiri Air Force plane, were accompanied by a team from the Qatari International Search and Rescue Group (Lekhwiya).

Rains have raised the water levels in the Shabelle and Juba rivers in Somalia, causing the displacement of thousands of families from their homes to the highlands.


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