Human Rights Centre condemns the closure of Horyaal and Eryal TV stations



Press release

Yesterday, on the 18th June 2019, the police of the Republic of Somaliland closed two privately owned televisions on an order made by the Minister of Information, Mohamed Muse Dirie. A copy of the order was not given to the managers of the televisions, and it is not made public.

The government has not given a specific reason stating why it closed the two television stations.

  The closure is a violation of freedom of media guaranteed by the Constitution of Somaliland and the international human rights law. Article 32 of the prohibits any action or decision repressing media.

“There was neither a case instituted against the televisions nor a prior notice or warning. The closure of independent media houses is a serious concern to us,” says Yasmin Omar H Mohamoud, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre.

Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to remove the police from the offices of the two television, to allow resuming operations. We call on the government to stop any action that undermines media to work freely without fear of intimidation and harassment.



Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud

Chairperson of Human Rights Centre Somaliland

Mobile: +252 (0)634472011

Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud

Chairperson of Human Rights Centre Somaliland

Mobile: +252 (0)634472011


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