Hargeisa Airport Customs acquires a cold-storage facility


Director General of Finance Mr. Mohamed Hussein Mu’adinka inaugurated a new cold-room storage facility for services at the Egal International Airport.

The new refrigeration facility will be used to store perishable and associated products that are not resistant heat such as foodstuffs, medicine, vegetables, etc.

The said at the function of inaugurating the facility, that saw the attendance of several senior government officials, that the airport customs services are of great importance hence have to dispense its duties aptly.

He noted that the establishment of the cold-room would help greatly in perfecting its duties to the community members using the facility.

“The Hargeisa airport customs has for the first time established cold-room storage facility to protectively store perishable products”, he said.

He said that the Ministry of Finance has trained staff to take care of service the facility.

Airport customs manager Mr. Ahmed Mumin was grateful of the facility.

“We are very grateful to the heads of the Ministry of Finance, the Minister of Finance and the Director General for the extensive work they have done for us”, he said


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