Closer Than They Seem


Khalif Abdirahman discusses the ties between Yemen and Somalia, at a time of crisis in the two countries.

Khalif Abdirahman is a Somali researcher with five years of experience in the Horn of Africa. He has participated in numerous studies on issues related to the region, at Tufts University, Humanitarian Outcomes, Transparency International, the Overseas Development Institute, and the Rift Valley Institute. He also has more than ten years of experience in community work and issues relating to the Somali diaspora and their involvement in political and other issues at home.

Currently Abdirahman is working in London with the Rift Valley Institute and the London School Economics. Diwan met with him in early August, at a conference in Beirut organized by Carnegie, to get his perspective on a little-discussed topic, namely the ties between Yemen and Somalia, particularly at a time of crisis in both countries.


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