Burao reconciliation meeting comes amicably to a close


It is incumbent upon us all to uphold and safeguard peaceful stability, says Minister Kahin


Following fracas whose skirmishes caused loss of five lives and six other casualties in the outskirts of Burao in Togdeer region early last month, a marathon meeting to nip the issue at the bud and reconcile the two brotherly communities concerned has at last come to a close with resolutions reached amicably between the clans concerned.

With the government having played a pivotal role in arresting the matter before it went out of control, a team of ministers led by the interior minister Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, pitched camp in Burao and held various reconciliatory meetings, albeit in stages, the latest having just came to a close on Tuesday at the regional provincial Headquarters’ hall.

Of note is the fact that agreements have been reached to tentatively address the matter with articles to be adhered to by the warring belligerents caused by land issues.

Interior minister Hon. Kahin has once again reminded the nation that the importance of peaceful stability in any setting was paramount and it ought to be adhered to at all times.

While addressing the gathering he noted that the government is always there to work towards the maintenance and safeguarding of public security hence always at hand to see to it that agreements are adhered to.

He described harmonious public order and security as the main pillar a society can live in, cherish and safeguard. Without it, he quipped, would render life difficult.

The pacification meeting of the fraternal clans, which has been going on for some time in the city of Burao, was attended by ministers, parliamentarians, the governor of Togdeer region, the mayor of Burao, senior most traditional leaders, eminent elders and intellectuals.

Decisions were made at the meeting to end the fraternal clans’ ethnic clashes in Alisahid area, in Burao district .

Hon. Mohamed Kahin urged the traditional leaders, the elders, and intellectuals of the two communities to embrace peace given that it is the backbone of community life and is essential.

He said, “Peace is the backbone of life. The peace we have achieved here today is one to safeguard the life of our people. Therefore, it is necessary for us to maintain it”.

He added that “it is the duty of the government to implement the decisions made by the conference committee, in accordance with the national security regulations”.

The minister stressed that anyone who violates the decision and the resolutions entailed would be held responsible.

“As a government, it is our duty, in accordance with the articles of the regulations of security, as stated in the national constitution, that the government implements the decision that has been issued”, he said.

He warned, “It is a decision that anyone who breaks it, old or young, will be personally held accountable”.

On the other hand, the Minister everyone who participated in reconciliation processes. They included traditional and religious leader, MPs, eminent personalities and state officials of diverse cadres.


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