Badhan Town running out of water amid Drought


The city of Badhan will soon run out of drinking water as the main resovouir that supply it is running dry and in a state of disrepair.

Local leaders and traditional elders jointly  appealed to the Somaliland government, local and international NGOs to urgently intervene and assist residents and pastoralists who face acute water shortages.

A view of the crisis from a close shows the city’s massive reservoir drying and being filed up with sand  after prolonged drought — a preview of the nightmares climate change could bring, unfolding right now in the eastern most city of Somaliland.

According to the local leaders, water guzzlers are now charging $ 8 per barrel instead of the usual price $ 3 per barrel which most of the residents can’t  afford.

The Governor of Badhan region and leaders urged the Minister of Water Resources Mr. Ali Marehan and the national drought response to do more and  address the current drought situation in the region.

The water resovouir was built by funds donated by private citizens.


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