Al-Shabaab kills 5 people for spying



Al Shabab, the al Qaeda affiliated terror group based in Somalia on Tuesday executed five civilians in Southern town of Jilib in Somalia’s middle Juba province. A local official of Jubaland administration in Kismayo told that the people executed were civilians. He added that it is not the first time that Al Shabab terrorists executed innocent civilians. The militants also compelled locals in Jilib to come out and watch the execution. Hundreds of people gathered in Jilib town, where the militant group carried out the execution. Middle Juba is al Shabab’s only remaining stronghold in region. Al shabab accused the five executed of spying for US and Somali Intelligence Agency. They were executed publicly by a firing squad after a so-called al-Shabaab court in Jilib allegedly convicted them of being spies for US and Somali intelligence agencies. Al-Shabaab’s leader Ahmad Abu Ubaida meanwhile released a new audio message on Monday marking the centennial death anniversary of Sayid Mohamed Abdullah Hassan, a Somali legendary leader that fought against the British and Italian colonists in Somalia in the early 20th century. The Somali-based al-Qaeda-affiliated group al-Shabaab has been fighting against the Somali government and African peacekeeping mission forces in Somalia for over a decade.


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