The country is mourning the tragic death of 7 passengers and 4 injured in car accident reportedly transpiring in between Lafa Ruug and Hamaas that lies in Sahil region on Tuesday. The car accident comes after the collision between passenger bus belonging to Dalmar firm and truck. According to press statement from the presidency, the Head of State Mr. Bihi has informed the owners of vehicles, transportation firms which ferry passengers from province to province, the drivers to be in compliance with local traffic rules and to drive safely by being held accountable to on board passengers. The president has deplored the recurring deadly car accidents which is increasing in alarming rate in Somaliland and the public bore the burnt by losing loved ones and their property destroyed.
The president has apprised the ministry of transport, the traffic police to implement the traffic regulations which would improve the road safety in nationwide. He also urged the authority to fine those who are caught be violating traffic rules in the country. The president has sent his sincere condolences to the families that lost loved ones in the tragic car accident that has caused the highest causalities in regard to the accidents that transpire in Somaliland.