Somaliland: Female aid Worker Shot and Injured in Lasanod, police say


By: Ms. Farrah Mohumed Yusuf

Staff Reporter & Writer

LASANOD– Unidentified gunmen shot and injured female aid worker in the latest of several  targeted attacks against humanitarians in Lasanod, Sool’s provincial capital on Saturday evening.

Ms. Ugaaso Hasan Basbas, a Somali employee with the World Health Organization (WHO), was shot while she was at Warsame Hotel in Lasanod when unknown men with pistols approached and fired at close range.

The assailants have escaped from the scene before police and security forces arrived. The aid worker has been admitted into Lasanod hospital receiving medical treatment. WHO officials did not immediately comment. No Group has claimed responsibility for the shooting as this has sent shock wave to residents and aid workers in the town. Somaliland security is to launch an investigation into the attack.




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