Lasanood youth cautions against undermining the peace and development of their city


Members of the youth and intellectuals of the Sool region who held a press conference in Lasanood town called on the residents to stop the protests and violence and to protect the security and order hence avoiding harming or associated losses.

The youths said that they were saddened by the damage that happened in the city in terms of deaths and injuries.

They noted that the damage could have been avoided if they were wiser and well advised, and now it is necessary not to go back to inflaming another problem that may cause further damage.

They suggested to the community that the development of the city and the Sool region as a whole should not be overlooked and that any concerns raised by the community of the region should be presented in a peaceful manner.

“The city of Lasanod is ours, it belongs to us and we will not destroy our city and we will not cause unnecessary problems”, said the members of the academics in a press conference in a public space.

They added, “May God have mercy on those who died and heal those who were injured. We say that our city cannot bear more losses, let’s not destroy the prevalent security and development.”

The young people, who were in large numbers, demonstrated to the people of Sool region the importance of security for life and development and warned them not to listen to the drums that are being played from without that want to weaken the country and the people of Somaliland.

The scholar pointed out that the conspiracy against the people of Sool, Sanaag and Buhoodle regions is dangerous and not in anyone’s interest, which they described as one that is being subjected against the people and their government, and then the conflict is used to create mayhem which is not only distracting and destructive but also and retrogressive.


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