Hargeisa Court Sentences Suspected Smugglers of Cheetahs


A Hargeisa regional court has sentenced five suspected poachers of wildlife, to long prison terms and fined them dearly to deter others who may harbor the same intention.

The five men were found in possession of 9 cheetahs, contrary to the law against dealing with wildlife.

The wildlife smugglers were apprehended on 19th April 2022 in Haji Salah town, Daad-madheedh district by minister of environment and natural resources officials and local police.

The poachers were transporting the nine cheetahs in two vehicles when they were accosted by the vigilant Somaliland Police.

Maroodi-jeh regional court sentenced the five men to a year and three months in prison.

The court also fined the 3 million Somaliland Shillings each. The magistrate ordered that if the convicts cannot raise funds for the fine, they will have to serve according to stipulated terms of the laws of Somaliland.

The court also fined two vehicles found in the possession of the prisoners one million Somaliland Shillings each.

The Hargeisa Court also sentenced two suspects in absentia.

“The two missing smugglers will serve two years in prison and pay a fine of 3 million Somaliland Shillings each.” ordered the magistrate.

The court handed six cheetahs to the ministry of environment and natural resources. Three of the original 9 cheetahs died in captivity.

Present during the sentencing of the criminals was the Director General of ministry of environment and natural resources, Mr. Abdikarim Adam Adde and the Director of wildlife department Abdinassir Hussein Saeed.

They all commended the court action to jail the poachers.


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