Major ships finally dock at Mayd Jetty


The port of Mayd that was inaugurated four months ago has been operational and has been seeing large ships docking at the jetty, the latest being a vessel carrying a 100 tonnes of cargo belonging to local business fraternity.

A statement posted on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry on Tuesday hailed the docking hence said that the cargo ship that arrived at the port points to progressive development in the Sanaag region and in all the eastern regions.

The port of Maydh will increase the country’s production and the utilization of fish production and is destined to be the major fishing port that will benefit all Somaliland people and boost local economy.

It will likewise fledge the sea traffic in the area along the long Somaliland coast. Changing a lot for the better in the eastern parts of the country.

The construction of the jetty was supported through the Somaliland development Fund (SDF) with the Ministry of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Marine Resources overseeing the implementation, a major feat spearheaded by the minister Hon. Saeed Sulub.

It was officially inaugurated on December 26, 2022 after two, and a half years of works in its constructions fruitfully ended,


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