Somaliland Government Announces the registration of political associations are open.


Somaliland government said on Sunday that the registration of political organizations are officially open in the country. This was disclosed by the country’s information minister, Mr. Sulieman Ali Yusuf Kore. From now on politicians who are interested in the registration of political associations are now entitled to do so. The minister made the remarks during a press briefing on Sunday afternoon whilst speaking on behalf of the country’s President H.E Musa Bihi Abdi. Sulieman said: ” Having the president respected the law of the land, honoring the will and wish of the people, and by exercising the constitutional powers enshrined in the constitution, the president has formally announced that the registration of political organizations are open.” The House of National Assembly disputed for the past couple of weeks on the enforcing of the Law Number 14 which paves the way for the registration of political associations in the country. The Head of State has re-submitted the Law Number 14 back to the House for amendment. This comes at a time when there are three political parties exist in the country namely UCID, Kulmiye and Wadani. The term of the president of Somaliland in office is due to expire in November.



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