SL Community in Birmingham Receives Deputy Livestock Minister



The Somaliland community in Birmingham in the UK has held a cordial reception to deputy livestock minister from Somaliland, Ms. Yurub Abib Abdi who is currently paying a courtesy visit to the UK. The SL representative to the UK mission, Ms. Ayan Ashur has attended the ceremony which was held to welcome the visiting minister from SL. Speaking at the receiving ceremony, the deputy minister has reiterated that the country has made huge progress in this difficult times. The minister has warned against the propaganda which is aimed to discredit the achievement that Somaliland is making in the right direction. She has pointed out that individuals who are non Somaliland natives are accustomed to spread false information aimed to undermine its peace and stability in Somaliland. The minister has underscored that each and every of the five presidents have made success in certain areas. She said that the building of Somaliland statehood was started from ground zero whilst the reconstruction project continues despite challenges remain ahead. She has asserted that whatever contribution that you have made to your beloved country, history will mention you. Ms. Yurub has revealed that there is peace and tranquility from Lasanod to Zeila and you can sleep in the out without any fear from danger. The SL representative to UK, Ms. Ayan has also stressed the role of women in rebuilding Somaliland. She said that women are part of the gov cabinet who are serving for the nation. She took for instance the likes of the minister of environment, Ms. Shukri Bondare who is engaged in protecting the environment for the past 20 years.



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