Saudi aid agency signs deals to run Yemeni refugee camp in Djibouti




JEDDAH: The General Supervisor of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) Abdullah Al-Rabeeah signed three agreements on Wednesday for the running of the Yemeni refugee camp in Djibouti.
The first agreement was signed with the Turkish company Nevka for the $815,000 operation and maintenance of the camp. It aims to operate and maintain the housing units, electricity, water and sanitation. This will ensure a proper environment for sheltering the most vulnerable Yemeni families in the camp and provide them with basic services such as adequate housing, safe drinking water, school, mosque and medical clinics.
Al-Rabeeah signed the second agreement, worth $246,000, with the Office of National Assistance for Refugees and Displaced Persons to manage and guard the camp. It seeks to set a mechanism for sheltering and supervising the refugees in the camp, operating the school and the mosque in collaboration with the government of Djibouti, providing the refugees with the necessary quantities of water, protecting the camp’s facilities and inhabitants and managing them.
The third agreement was signed with Al-Rahma Hospital in Djibouti to operate the camp’s clinics. It aspires to provide refugees with basic medical care, to treat communicable diseases to prevent the outbreak of epidemics, provide the necessary vaccinations for children and support the Djiboutian Ministry of Health through providing medical care and relieving the pressure on the ministry’s hospitals.
The clinics were opened on Nov. 11, 2015. They include various units that benefit 1,188 refugees. The cost of establishing the clinics reached $845,000 and operating them costs $134,000. Cases that cannot be treated in the clinics will be transferred to Al-Rahma Hospital as part of the agreement funded by KSRelief.

Arab News


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