Nagaad Holds A Women’s Conference in Hargeisa to Discuss How To Support Female Candidates


Press Release


As you all know, NAGAAD Network has been working for a long time on the quota issue in order to make sure that women are involved in the country’s decision making. NAGAAD has relentlessly worked on reinforcing a women’s quota bill to ensure that women have legitimate leadership and influence across all Somaliland institutions.

Unfortunately, however, the lower and upper houses have rejected the bill on establishing electoral quotas for women in local and parliamentary elections. As a result of this, NAGAAD held a women’s conference to discuss the challenges female candidates face and to collectively find solutions to those barriers. Some of the conference participants were candidates from the three political parties, journalists, lawyers, human rights advocates, and business women that came across all six regions.

The participants agreed on the following points:

  1. To fully support female candidates during the campaign and on election day
  2. To encourage women to run for local and parliament elections and compete with their male counterparts
  3. To encourage clan chiefs to equally support female and male candidates
  4. To make sure that the three political parties fulfill/adhere to their commitment on September 3rd, 2020 to nominate 18 women
  5. To coordinate all programs, activities, donor funds, and campaigns promoting women’s participation in politics both locally and nationally



Ismahan Abdisalam Hassan

Chairperson, NAGAAD Network


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