The BBC Somali Service is clearly showing that they are only serving the people from South Somalia rather then all Somali Speakers including Somaliland. Since it was relocated to Kenya, The BBC became part of the Radio Mogdisho. When covering political news stories about Somaliland. They don’t make sure their stories measure up to ethical standards. Their reports easily back up of media bias.
They don’t determine Whether their Story is Fair to All their listeners. They Don’t Check Their Stories for Accuracy. Their Reports about Somaliland is unjustified and favouritism toward to Somalia.
To maintain objectivity in journalism, journalists should present the facts whether or not they like or agree with those facts. Objective reporting is meant to portray issues and events in a neutral and unbiased manner, regardless of the writers opinion or personal beliefs.
We are Somalilanders around the world are demanding an immidate action by The BBC World Services to bring back the reputation of the BBC Somali Section and to serve for all Somali Speakers once again.
Sign the Petition! via @Change