Taiwanese investors meet Investments minister


The Minister of Investment Development and Industry Hon. Amina Elmi Farid and ministry officials held a meeting with potential investors’ delegation from Taiwan consisting of AFTA group and Sky Intl Trading, which was led by the First Secretary of the Embassy of Taiwan in Somaliland Mr. Han-ching Fan.

The delegation of AFTA GROUP which is chaired by Dr. Susan Wang. The company wants to establish a factory in Somaliland to install small vehicles such as motorcycles.

Alyne Chen, the General Manager of the Central Sky International Trading Company, which is also interested in investing in production areas such as mining, fish and livestock.

The minister Hon. Amina Elmi Farid, the Director General Mr. Mohamed Osman, together with the director of the research department and the deputy director of the Monitoring and Quality Assurance department.

The ministerial heads briefed the delegation about the investment opportunities in the country.


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