Finance Ministry Rates Performance of various departments for the past year 2021


The purpose of this annual meeting was to evaluate the performance of each department’s yearly plan, where the departmental directors have briefed the top management on the status of their plan, as well as the deficiencies and reasons for the shortcomings.

And you can see from the report of the department heads that the overall target set for the departments in 2021 has been achieved.On the other hand, the implementation of integrated automation systems, public financial management reform, taxation, customs, awareness and strengthening taxpayer relations, have all made significant progress.

The Ministry of Finance Development has an annual plan as well as a five-year strategic plan that each department follows to carry out its designated responsibilities.
The workshop, which lasted several hours, was closed by the Minister Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire, who praised the department heads for their dedication to their jobs and urged them to be ready to complete their tasks for the rest of the year.

Public Relations & Information Department


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