Somaliland: Nagaad and Ministry of Justice provide health services to female prisoners in Gabiley Prison


A delegation led by Ms. Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed, the executive director of Nagaad Women Umbrella, and Mr. Mualid Dahir, the director of prisons department in the Ministry of Justice and Ms. Amal Mohamed, of the Ministry of Health, visited March 12 , 2020 the Gabiley Women prison in a bid to inspect the health status of prisoners’ population and access to health services during incarceration at the prison.

The officials during the visit were accompanied by doctors from the National Women Doctors Association examined the prisoner’s health status.

Ms. Amal Mohamed, speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Health said, “Our findings should constitute a starting point for further research in order to introduce more effective interventions aiming at meeting prisoners’ health needs.

She added, “Prisoners’ health status, access to health services and satisfaction associated with the quality of the provided healthcare are issues that have drawn our attention and we shall continue to monitor and provide treatment in the future.

Nagaad Women Umbrella has on several occasion provided inmates with medicine and other essential kits to inmates in the prison. Nagaad also handed over five goats to the prison official for prisoners.



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