Somaliland: APD, Eil Afwein Peace Engagement


The APD team held a consultation meeting with the Sultans and other traditional leaders representing the conflicting clans. After a briefing, the traditional leaders welcomed APD’s intervention and efforts towards peace building in the district. They stated that on Wednesday December 4th that they are holding a concluding peace conference and would like the APD team to be present, support and contribute to the pivotal event. Moreover the traditional leaders requested that APD provide technical and assistance upon the following awareness campaign, dissemination and grassroots mobilization needed to implement the expected points which will emanate from the concluding peace conference
APD hold a FGD and a workshop for 50 women peace activists representing both sides.
APD hold a FGD and a workshop for 50 youth representing both sides.
The district Mayor and his deputy shall hand pick, mobilize and select the suitable participants representing Ceel Afweyn women and youth.


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